Robotic Weight Loss and General Surgery
Robotic surgery is one of the latest advancements in surgical technique. At Alabama Surgical Associates in Huntsville, we employ robotic surgery for a range of procedures.
Robotic Weight Loss and General Surgery
Robotic surgery is one of the latest advancements in surgical technique. At Alabama Surgical Associates in Huntsville, we employ robotic surgery for a range of procedures.
What is Robotic Surgery?
Our team utilizes a robotic device called the da Vinci System for technical assistance and patient benefits. The robotic device does not operate on its own, only through use by our experienced surgeon. During surgery, Dr. Doucette manipulates the robotic arms that bend and rotate beyond a hand’s capability, allowing greater control and precision while protecting the surrounding tissues. Robotic technique may be used in weight loss procedures such as gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, as well as for general surgery procedures such as anti-reflux and hernia surgeries.

Benefits of Robotic Surgery
Surgery with robotic assistance has several benefits:
- Less Pain
- Low Rate of Complications
- Quicker Surgery & Recovery Times
Trusted Source Benefits of robotic surgery U.C. Health Go to Source Additional Precision During Surgery
- Greater Visualization
Preparing for Robotic Surgery
At Alabama Surgical Associates, we will make sure you are well prepared for your robotic surgical procedure and recovery. We will discuss things like how long the procedure is likely to take, how long you will recover at the hospital, and what you should expect when you return home to continue your recovery. You may be asked to stop taking certain medications in preparation for your robotic surgery procedure. Additionally, you won’t be
Trusted Source
What to expect with robotic-assisted surgery
Da Vinci Surgery
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permitted to drive
yourself home after the procedure, so you should make arrangements for transportation.
Recovery After Robotic Surgery
After robotic surgery, the recovery period is much shorter and more comfortable than after a traditional, open surgical procedure. Your team at Alabama Surgical Associates will give you instructions and expectations for recovery after your specific surgical procedure. You may experience some pain, swelling, and discomfort after robotic surgery, but your doctor will prescribe medication to help you stay comfortable. Your doctor will also let you know how long you should wait before engaging in certain activities, and when you should be able to return to work.
Frequently Asked Questions About Robotic Surgery
Who is a candidate for robotic weight loss surgery?
Take this 60-second assessment to find out if you may be a candidate for robotic weight loss surgery.
Is robotic surgery covered by my insurance?
If a procedure is deemed medically necessary, as many weight loss and general surgery procedures are, insurance will cover the cost of that procedure. The method by which the procedure is performed does not impact insurance eligibility.
Can I afford robotic weight loss surgery?
Many of our patients choose to self-pay for robotic weight loss surgery, as this streamlines the experience by bypassing insurance requirements. At Alabama Surgical Associates, we believe that each of our patients should have access to potentially life-saving bariatric surgery, so we offer some of the most competitive pricing in the country. Learn more about the self-pay cost of weight loss surgery here. We also offer convenient payment and financing options.
Step into Wellness: Your Path to a
Lighter, Brighter Future Starts Now
Connect with Alabama Surgical Associates to take a proactive step towards your weight loss
goals. With our expert team and comprehensive approach, you’ll find the guidance and
support you need to achieve lasting results and improved well-being.
Dr. Darrell Doucette has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.
Page Updated:
1 U.C. Health. Benefits of robotic surgery. Available: Accessed March 30, 2022.
2 Da Vinci Surgery. What to expect with robotic-assisted surgery. Available: Accessed March 31, 2022.